Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease: Causes & Treatment

Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) is now referred to as feline lower urinary tract syndrome (FLUTS). This condition can cause significant discomfort for cats and can be frustrating for pet owners.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are less common in cats compared to dogs. However, other urinary system issues like blockages are more prevalent in cats. If you know what to look for, you can get them to the veterinarian quickly and start their recovery process.
Feline urinary tract disease can affect the urinary bladder (such as cystitis, where a cat’s bladder becomes inflamed) and the urethra, which carries urine from the bladder out of the cat. Crystals or stones in the urine can irritate the urinary tract lining and block urine flow.
If your cat is prone to urinary tract problems, your veterinarian may recommend wet cat food or make other suggestions to help maintain urinary tract health.
Understanding FLUTD/FLUTS
Lower urinary tract contributing factors include:
- Stress
- Formation of stones or crystals in the urinary bladder
- Obesity
- Anatomical abnormalities
- Confinement to a small area leading to a lack of exercise
- Genetics
- Bacterial or viral infection
Obesity can cause inflammation throughout the body. Just as obesity can affect the joints and cause arthritis, it can also manifest as cystitis or an inflamed bladder. Additionally, if a cat cannot easily access the litterbox, they may urinate elsewhere, resulting in a “bad habit.”
Recognizing the Symptoms of Cat Urinary Problems
Accurate observations about changes in your cat’s appearance or behaviour can assist your veterinarian in diagnosing feline urinary tract disease. For example, urinating can be painful for a cat with lower urinary tract disease. Urine may be bloody, have a reddish tinge, or a strong ammonia-like odour. A cat with FLUTS may:
- Make frequent trips to the litter box
- Strain to urinate or cry when urinating
- Urinate outside the litter box
- Lick their genital area excessively
Occasionally, mucous plugs or crystals caused by feline urinary tract disease can block the urethra, making it difficult or impossible for your cat to urinate. These cats will:
- Strain to urinate with little success
- Display signs of anxiety, such as pacing or hiding
Consult your veterinarian immediately if your cat shows any of these behaviours. If an obstruction is not relieved, it can lead to vomiting, loss of appetite, dehydration, collapse, and even death.
Both male and female cats can experience urinary problems, such as cystitis. However, since male cats have longer and narrower urethras, their urinary tracts are more likely to become obstructed by crystals and mucous.
Physical Activity
Cats who spend most of their time indoors seem to be more susceptible to urinary tract disease. This may be because confinement reduces physical activity, which in turn may reduce the amount of water consumed and the frequency of urination, allowing crystals to form in the urine.
In addition to physical activity, cats need mental enrichment to alleviate stress. Cat enrichment activities can help keep them mentally stimulated and lower their stress levels.
High levels of ash and magnesium in cat food were once thought to cause crystal formation. More recent work indicates urine pH and urine concentration are more important factors in the development of FLUTD. Increasing water intake is highly recommended to help reduce the risk of FLUTD.
Diagnosing Your Cat’s Urinary Problems
To determine the type and severity of your cat’s urinary disorder, your veterinarian will need to conduct a thorough physical exam. This includes gently feeling your cat’s abdomen to determine if the bladder is distended, a possible sign of a blocked urinary tract.
Your veterinarian may also recommend tests such as a urinalysis to evaluate any crystals, blood cells, and bacteria in the urine, as well as urine pH and concentration. If a stone formation is suspected, a radiograph (x-ray) will help determine if stones are present. Not all types of urinary stones are visible on x-rays, but struvite stones, one of the most common kinds of bladder stones in cats, generally are.
Helping Your Cat Recover From FLUTD/FLUTS
If your cat has an obstruction, your veterinarian will need to remove it immediately. Most cases of FLUTS are not caused by infection, but if an infection is present, your veterinarian will likely send the urine for a culture to identify the bacteria and the appropriate antibiotic.
For struvite crystals that aren’t blocking urine flow, a special diet can help dissolve them and prevent future formation. If lower urinary tract signs persist after five to seven days of dietary therapy, consult your veterinarian.
Acupuncture, glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate supplements, and other supportive care may be offered based on your cat’s needs.
Regardless of the type of urinary disease, increased water intake is recommended to decrease urine concentration and increase urine volume. Your veterinarian may suggest a special diet that promotes increased water intake or switching to wet (canned) food.
Find more about cat health and how to care for them by visiting our articles page.
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