Dog Behaviour Articles
Dog behavior ranges from funny and adorable to odd and sometimes worrisome. At some point, virtually every dog owner has questions about the things their dogs do, such as eating grass, digging in the yard or being overly aggressive. Our behaviourists are here to help with dog behavior training ideas and tips and to answer your dog behaviour-related questions.

Why Are Dogs Scared of Thunder?
It may start with your dog seeming on edge for a few hours. They aren't settling in and napping like they usually do, and they might be startling at every sudden noise or movement. Then, you start to hear the distant rumblings of thunder, and you notice your dog's anxiety gets more intense.

Why Do Dogs Bark
Whether your dog's bark sounds more like a squeak or is loud enough to make the mailman run the other way, all dogs bark to some extent. How much your dog barks depends heavily on breed, personality and training, but the answer to "Why do dogs bark?" is a little more complicated.

Why Does My Dog Stare at Me?
Dogs love their owners, and it's not hard to see why they might spend hours staring at their owner and best friend. Some dogs take their staring to the next level, though. They might follow you around the house, all the while not taking their eyes off of you and half expecting a treat to drop from your fingers. So, what's going on here? If you've ever wondered "Why does my dog stare at me?" read on for some insight into this curious dog behaviour.

Why Do Dogs Lick?
Licking in particular can be a confusing behaviour for owners to understand — and control. Learning why dogs lick can help you get a different perspective on your pet and give you a better starting point for limiting problematic licking.

Why do Dogs Like Being Petted?
Perhaps one of the most enjoyable things about having a dog is getting to pet them, and most dogs love this too. Why do dogs like being petted? The simple answer is because it feels good and they can tell you're happy with them at that moment.

Why Are Dogs Scared Of Fireworks?
For many dogs, holiday fireworks are a nightmare. But exactly why are dogs scared of fireworks? Discover five fireworks “fear factors,” as well as ways you can help your petrified pooch stay calm during the festivities.

Why Do Dogs Eat Poop?
Have you ever wondered why do dogs eat poop? Read on to learn the reasons why and how to get a dog to stop eating poop.