“Can Dogs Eat” Articles

Not sure whether your dog can eat that blueberry you dropped on the floor? What about that grape in your hand he’s begging you for? Purina’s experts answer the pressing question “Can dogs eat [blank]?” Find out which human foods your dog can and can’t eat here.

Sliced and whole bananas

Can Dogs Eat Bananas?

Bananas are the perfect go-to snack. They’re sweet, provide energy and come in their own convenient wrapper. Can dogs eat bananas though? Purina experts say yes—bananas are a great treat for your pooch.


Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?
Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?
There’s nothing like strawberry season. The fresh, juicy berries make a healthy snack for you, but can your dog have strawberries, too? It’s a good question to ask, since you and your dog have different systems and nutritional needs. Read on to learn if strawberries are a safe treat for your dog.
Can Dogs Eat Carrots?
Can Dogs Eat Carrots?
Carrots are an abundant source of nutrition for humans, but what about for your dog? Purina experts say yes! Learn why carrots are good for dogs, how much nutrition they offer, and different ways to serve them.