Can Dogs Eat Yogurt?

Updated: 8/16/2024
Yogurt in a bowl with a wooden spoon

Yes, dogs can eat yogurt. It contains calcium and protein—plus, it’s tasty! Can dogs eat yogurt and benefit from it the way humans do, though? Keep reading to learn how yogurt is good for dogs.

What is the Best Kind of Yogurt for Dogs?

According to Purina Senior Nutritionist Jan Dempsey, “The best kind of yogurt is plain or even non-fat plain. Just be sure it’s yogurt without artificial preservatives or any sweeteners.” There are yogurts your dog can enjoy and may even be good for him. You need to check the ingredients first, though.

Is Yogurt Bad for Dogs?

While your dog may enjoy eating yogurt, it’s important to be aware of the ingredients in the yogurt. Dogs should never eat any yogurt containing xylitol, a common sweetener in human foods. Even a small amount of xylitol-sweetened yogurt is toxic for dogs and may lead to liver failure because it accumulates in the liver tissue. It’s also best to stay away from yogurt flavoured with fruits or any type of “mix-ins”, as these frequently have added sugar in the form of syrups and may also use artificial sweeteners.

How Much Yogurt Can My Dog Eat?

The right serving size for dogs varies based on the kind of yogurt and your dog’s:

  • Size
  • Weight
  • Daily calorie intake
  • Underlying health issues
  • Activity level
  • Neuter status

When you know your dog’s daily nutritional needs, you can determine how much yogurt your dog can have. “How much yogurt you feed your dog should be based on the ten percent treat rule. That means yogurt should be no more than ten percent of the calories your dog eats every day,” Dempsey explains.

Where Can I Find Nutritional Information about Yogurt?

The amount of yogurt you can feed your dog will vary based on the type of yogurt. Check the label and pay attention to the calorie and fat content so you can measure the right serving size. You don’t want to let your dog have too much yogurt. “Adding a tablespoon to his food could be a nice way to incorporate a new texture while limiting extra calories,” Dempsey suggests.

Can Dogs Eat Greek Yogurt?

Greek yogurt for dogs is great, provided it is xylitol-free. Your dog may even like the texture of Greek yogurt more. It’s thicker because the whey has been strained out. Other kinds of yogurt he can enjoy include:

  • Plain
  • Low-fat
  • Naturally flavoured
  • Frozen

Are the Probiotics in Yogurt Good for Dogs?

Probiotics are good for you and your dog. If you’re following the 10 percent treat rule, though, this amount of yogurt won’t be enough to get many probiotic benefits from its active cultures. Instead of feeding your dog more yogurt, talk with your veterinarian. They can recommend a specially formulated probiotic supplement or dog food that will better support his needs.

Explore some of the other human foods safe for dogs—and a few that aren’t. Stick to our experts’ recommendations when it comes to treats and human foods, and explore other dog treat options.

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