Dog Training Tips & Tricks
You can teach an old dog new tricks as long as you have some proven dog training strategies in your arsenal. Whether you need to know how to potty train a dog or are working on obedience and basic commands, our experts offer advice and tips to make your training sessions a success.

How to Use Dog Treats for Training, Bonding & Rewarding
Treats are a good way to reward, train and bond with your dog. Learn how many treats you should give your dog and the number of calories needed for their diet.

How to Stop a Dog from Digging
Digging is a natural instinct in dogs, with many dogs digging to find out what might be under a particularly good-smelling pile of dirt or to create a cool place to lay down on a hot day. But if your dog has started digging in your yard, you're probably less than thrilled. It can destroy your landscaping and can be a danger if your dog digs a hole to get under the fence or if someone steps in one. Find out more about why dogs dig and how to stop them in the details below.

How to Stop Excessive Barking
Most people want their dogs to bark. It's an extra level of protection when a stranger shows up at the door, and it's nice to know that an animal is outside if you live in a rural area. But if your dog doesn't stop barking when you say to, it can be a frustrating experience for you both. Your dog is just doing what's natural and normal, but that doesn't mean you have to live with it. Learn how to stop excessive barking and teach your dog to speak and be quiet on command with these training tips.

How to Train a Small Dog
Training a small dog is no different than training larger breeds and you might be surprised by how much your small dog is capable of learning. Learn how to train a small dog with these simple training tips.

Dog Behaving Badly: Causes and Solutions
Do you suspect your dog of acting out? Is your dog behaving badly, or are his actions causing you frustration? Understanding the causes of your dog’s behaviour can help you begin to explore ways to correct it.

How to Socialize Your Dog
As pet owners, we want our dogs to be involved in our lives, which includes our dogs being able to have positive encounters with the new people and pups that we meet in our day-to-day lives. Read on to learn how to socialize your dog, no matter their age, so that they can be the best doggie citizen possible.