Why is My Puppy Throwing Up?

Updated: 6/5/2024
A beige puppy chewing a toy

Puppies have a tendency to chew and swallow all sorts of things. Since your puppy’s immune system is still developing, most of the things they ingest can cause stomach upsets that can lead to your puppy vomiting. Read on to learn why your puppy is throwing up and what symptoms are considered serious.

A puppy is a chewing, swallowing machine

When puppies are bored, they chew and swallow everything in sight. This includes and is not limited to string, rocks, twigs and toys. Swallowed items have the potential to cause stomach blockages and internal damage. Make sure to look out for these symptoms in your puppy:

  • Blood in the urine or poop
  • Vomiting
  • Inability to urinate or defecate
  • Low energy
  • Weight loss

When you see these symptoms and especially if these symptoms seem to be getting worse, it’s always good to talk to your veterinarian.

Things your puppy should never eat

There are quite a few types of food that may taste good to humans but can give your puppy stomach problems. Even worse, they can potentially be life-threatening.

Always make sure to keep your puppy away from chocolate, onions, sugary snacks, grapes, and chewing gum. Also, take some time to research what other foods should be kept away from your furry friend before you try to feed anything new to them. Check out our article on what not to feed dogs for a list of foods your puppy should avoid.

Keep medications and household cleaners in an out-of-reach place. If you think puppy has gotten into such items, call your veterinarian immediately.

Puppy vomiting after meals

The most common cause of a puppy’s upset stomach is that he’s eating his meals too fast. Shortly after a meal, you may hear your puppy’s tummy rumbling, notice gas or see your puppy throwing up his meal.

In these cases, it’s better to give your puppy smaller portions of food spread out throughout the day. This will help your puppy digest his food properly and lead to a happier tummy.

Signs your puppy is sick

Your puppy’s immune system is still a work in progress, so it’s best to keep him away from places and situations where infections can spread. This includes parks, dog parks or play dates with unvaccinated dogs. You should wait to partake in these kinds of activities until your puppy gets his vaccinations on board including rabies and the first set of distemper vaccines.

Here are important symptoms to look out for to see if your puppy is sick:

  • Dehydration
  • Low energy
  • Confusion
  • A drastic change in weight

If for any reason, you think your puppy has a serious illness, the best thing you can do is contact your veterinarian.

Serious symptoms that need immediate attention

It is a good idea to call your vet if you notice your puppy throwing up or experiencing diarrhea. These are common symptoms that aren’t usually serious, but it safer not to ignore them. In these cases, your vet may recommend a home remedy.

The following is a list of serious symptoms that you need to look out for. If you see any of these symptoms, take your puppy to an animal hospital or your vet immediately:

  • Inability to walk
  • Seizures
  • Stumbling like your puppy is drunk
  • A bloated abdomen

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