Tidy Cats cats dressed as scientists
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Keeping the Future in Mind Today

Tidy always develops quality litter with your needs in mind—and now we’re doing it with an increasing focus on sustainability. We’re working toward greener solutions and eco-friendly innovations because we believe in litter that’s good for your cat and the world.

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Big Goals, Big Impact By 2025

Tidy’s committed to the safety and health of our pets and to our planet. So, we’re on a mission to create a cleaner environment for you and your pets to enjoy for years to come. While some sustainability efforts are already underway, by 2025 Tidy Cats is aiming for:

100% Recyclable or Recycle Ready Packaging

100% Recyclable or Recycle Ready Packaging

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100% Renewable Electricity in our factories

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100% Recycled Plastic in our jugs

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50% Post-Consumer Recycled Plastic in our pails

Sustainability in Action

Taking steps toward a greener future for you, your cat and the world we share.

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Land Reclamation

We reclaim all the land we use to its natural state–rebuilding it to become wildlife areas and lakes. We’re focused on green innovations for a safe and healthy environment.

tidy cats sustainability for future generations

All in This Together

With ever-evolving innovations, Tidy’s doing our part to work toward a brighter, greener future—but we’re not in it alone. Purina and its brands have an even bigger mission including increasing sustainable efforts in areas like water sourcing and zero waste for disposal. We’ve already started putting in the work, but this is just the beginning. Learn more about where we’re headed and our plans to improve the world we live in.


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