On February 14, 2000, Ludivine Cauchon experienced an event that she will never forget while out walking her black Labrador Retriever, Stub.
The snowy and normally peaceful wooded valley, where Ludivine often played with Stub, was unusually full of activity as a rescue team desperately searched for two teens thought to be buried by a small avalanche. Unsure of whether or not their presence would be a hindrance or help, Ludivine decided that she and Stub, who is a trained hunting dog, should contribute to the effort. Stub quickly went to work and in a very short period of time, located a pair of gloves which alerted the rescue team to the location of the lost teens.
Earlier that afternoon, Marise Boucher and Christian Lachance had set out for a walk after a snowstorm had caused the cancellation of classes at the local highschool. As they strolled through the steep-walled ravine, the heavy snow, which had built up along the sides, broke away and cascaded down the gorge’s sides, burying them within seconds.
Thanks to Stub, Christian and Marise were found huddled together. They were immediately rushed to hospital where Marise was treated for multiple injuries and severe hypothermia. Unfortunately, despite the valiant attempts of the rescue workers, Christian did not survive the tragic ordeal.
Although the day will be remembered with terrible sadness, it will also be remembered with joy — for thanks to Stub, Marise survived. She and the entire Boucher family are grateful to Stub for his sense of purpose and intelligence.