Coda was adopted from the Hamilton, Ontario, SPCA at six months old. A golden-coloured Border Collie mix, Chuck and Heather Sweet loved his smart and loyal personality. A perfect addition to the family, Coda quickly bonded with Heather and was always by her side.
After a lengthy hospital stay, Heather was home and staying on the main floor of their three-story house to recover. Coda slept next to Heather all night, never leaving the side of his favourite person. Chuck was upstairs fast asleep when at 5:30 am, Coda jumped on Chuck in bed and would not settle down, as he usually does. Coda was so insistent and agitated that Chuck decided to get up and check on Heather. As a Ski Patroller and Summer Park Patroller, Chuck has emergency first aid training, and he immediately saw that Heather was in great distress and non-responsive. Chuck called 911, and Heather was rushed to the hospital.
While at the hospital, Heather's Doctor noted that had she not been brought to the emergency department when she was, there was a very good chance she would not have recovered from the medical episode. Coda knew something wasn't right with Heather and woke Chuck up to help. Coda is truly a hero!
A few months after Coda saved Heather, her health began to decline. Back in the hospital, the wonderful staff made special accommodations for Coda to come in to visit Heather. He leaped on her bed and lay on top of her thrilled to see his favourite person and check in on her.
Sadly, Chuck and his family had to say goodbye to Heather. Having Coda and his children by his side, Chuck is recovering from his loss.
It’s with great pleasure that we inductee this exceptional dog into our Purina Animal Hall of Fame.
Has your pet, or do you know someone who's pet has performed an outstanding act of courage and heroism? Share the story with us and nominate this courageous pet to be considered for entry into the Purina Animal Hall of Fame in 2024 here.