Jim and Marlene Reimer live in a beautiful heritage home in Steinbach, Manitoba, with their four-year-old Sheltie named Billee. One fateful night changed all their lives forever.
Last year, in the middle of the night, Marlene woke to Billee barking madly, so she decided to look outside. She saw Jim's truck, right next to their house, on fire. Marlene screamed to her husband that their truck was on fire. Jim woke up and realized what was happening - the huge flames overtook their truck, van and now their garage; he raced downstairs to call 911.
Jim and Marlene quickly got dressed, grabbed Billee and left the house. By the time the fire trucks arrived, the house had also caught fire. It took about an hour to put the fire out, but the damage was done. The hardest hit was the bedroom, where minutes earlier, Jim and Marlene slept.
However, in the hours that followed, Jim came to realize that though the fire did extensive damage to their home, many possessions were salvaged. For example, Jim's office, located only eight feet from their garage has water damage but his records are still intact. One of their prized possessions, their collection of photo albums containing decades of memories did not even suffer water damage.
They lost their home and belongings, but thanks to Billee had what was most important, each other.
It’s with great pleasure that we inductee Billee into our Purina Animal Hall of Fame.
Has your pet, or do you know someone who's pet has performed an outstanding act of courage and heroism? Share the story with us and nominate this courageous pet to be considered for entry into the Purina Animal Hall of Fame in 2024 here.
Read more about the house fire here