Nelson, a two-year-old Toy Poodle from Calgary, Alberta alerted his owner, Denise Kavin, that her husband, Ivor, was having convulsions in the middle of the night. Ivor returned home from work early that night before complaining of a fever and not feeling well. He decided to go straight to bed to "sweat it out." In the early morning hours, Ivor started to have convulsions and Nelson reacted. He jumped on Denise's chest and nuzzled against her face in an attempt to wake her up. When Denise finally woke up, she took Ivor to the hospital where doctors believed that his leg would have to be amputated after it swelled and turned purple within minutes. After several tests, the doctors determined that Ivor suffered from Sleep Apnea which prevented him from getting enough oxygen in his blood. That is why he was prone to repeated and severe infections. The doctors informed Denise that if Nelson had been unsuccessful in waking her up, Ivor would not have made it through the night.