Dog Health Tips & Information
Whether you’re dealing with digestive upset, ticks on your dog or an ear infection, our experts are here to help. Browse our extensive collection of dog health articles to learn more about these problems, find solutions and help prevent them.

Why Is My Dog Sneezing?
If you've owned or been around a dog for very long, you've probably heard them sneeze. It's a common occurrence in dogs and other pets, and many owners find it funny and cute. However, you may also be concerned about why your dog is sneezing and if it means something is wrong.

Understanding Pancreatitis in Dogs
The pancreas is located under the stomach at the beginning of the small intestine. It’s responsible for certain regulative and digestive functions in the body. Pancreatitis in dogs is defined as inflammation of the pancreas. In this article, we’ll further define pancreatitis and explain the causes, symptoms, and treatment for it.

How to Tell if Your Dog is Pregnant
Perhaps nothing is more exciting than the prospect of a new litter of puppies on its way. But how can you tell if your dog is pregnant? Whether you are a breeder hoping for a pregnancy or suspect that your dog may be pregnant, there are signs to watch for that indicate her condition. Read on to learn how you can prepare for the pitter-patter of little paws in the near future.

Why Is My Dog Vomiting?
Watching your dog throwing up can be both upsetting and heartbreaking, especially when you’re unsure of the cause and don’t know what you can do to help.

Why Does My Dog Have Itchy Ears?
Some owners may think ear scratching is just a normal part of dog behaviour. And while many dogs will scratch their ears casually, itchy ears can mean something’s wrong with your dog's ears. Ear infections aren’t too rare in dogs, so it’s a good idea to learn the symptoms and how to properly maintain your dog's ear health. Find out why your dog has itchy ears and what to do about it.

Seizures in Dogs
About 1 in 111 dogs will experience some form of epilepsy. But even more can have a seizure at some point. During a seizure, dogs lose all self-control, which can be very unsettling for their owners. Seizures in dogs are like electrical explosions in the brain, setting off many neurons and creating huge brain wave spikes. Learning more about seizures in dogs can help you care for a dog with epilepsy or prepare yourself for an unexpected seizure.

Can Dogs Eat Yogurt?
Yes, dogs can eat yogurt. It contains calcium and protein—plus, it’s tasty! Can dogs eat yogurt and benefit from it the way humans do, though? Keep reading to learn how yogurt is good for dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Tangerines?
If you have a sweet tooth, you may wonder if your dog does too. It’s possible that you’ve noticed your dog seeks out sweet flavours. So, you may be on the lookout for a healthy sweet snack to feed him. Could tangerines be a good, tempting treat for your dog? Continue reading to learn.

Can Dogs Eat Oranges?
Yes. Dogs can have fleshy fruit parts of oranges because they aren’t toxic. But does that mean your dog should eat them?

Can Dogs Eat Lemons?
Because your dog trusts you, he may taste or even eat a lemon if you give it to him. But lemons and their flavour are one your dog would normally avoid. A dog who licks or eats a lemon may have a strong reaction to the taste. While it may seem comical, feeding your dog a lemon isn’t a joke. Continue reading to learn why.

Can Dogs Eat Grapefruit?
Flavours help dogs know what foods to eat and which foods to avoid. Though dogs’ taste buds may steer them away from grapefruit, should you coax them into trying the tart fruit? Read on to learn more about grapefruit and your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Fish?
Fish can be a good addition to a dog's balanced diet. It's rich in amino acids, just like other animal-based proteins. “Depending on the type, fish can provide omega-3 fatty acids which can be beneficial for skin and coat for dogs,” explains Janet Dempsey, Purina Senior Nutritionist. Quality dog foods have protein like fish as the primary ingredient. Keep reading to learn more about feeding fish to your dog.